Available via ReliefWeb API Contains terms used by ReliefWeb to label content according to vulnerable groups such as Aged Persons, Children, IDPs, Persons with Disabilities, Refugees, and Women. See all Vulnerable Groups and corresponding descriptions Requests should be made to the ReliefWeb API references endpoint through HTTPS, and with an additional parameter (“appname”) to identify […]

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Link available The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian affairs (OCHA) has created a set of 500 freely available humanitarian icons to help relief workers present emergency and crisis-related information quickly and simply. Download the icons at https://brand.unocha.org/d/xEPytAUjC3sH/icons Whenever possible, credit as follows: “Source: OCHA”. Managed by OCHA VIURequest additions / more information for […]

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Available via ReliefWeb API Contains terms used by ReliefWeb to label content according to thematic topics such as Health, Mine Action, and Humanitarian Financing. Site listing all themes and corresponding descriptions Requests should be made to the ReliefWeb API themes endpoint through https with an additional parameter of your application name (appname), for example: https://api.reliefweb.int/v1/references/themes?appname=vocabulary See […]

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Available via ReliefWeb API Contains organizations’, unique IDs and corresponding Financial Tracking Service org id (where relevant) for ReliefWeb’s various sources. Requests should be made to the ReliefWeb API sources endpoint through https with an additional parameter of your application name (appname), for example: https://api.reliefweb.int/v1/sources?&limit=500&appname=vocabulary See the API documentation for full details: http://apidoc.rwlabs.org/ Managed by ReliefWebRequest additions […]

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JSON available Includes types of organisations and associated definitions – e.g. United Nations, Donors, etc Download Organization Types JSON file Organization Types spreadsheet Managed by OCHA Field Information ServicesRequest additions / more information for Organization Types

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Available via ReliefWeb API Contains humanitarian organizations logos used by ReliefWeb for display on their site. Requests should be made to the ReliefWeb API sources endpoint through https and with an additional parameter for your application name (appname), for example: https://api.reliefweb.int/v1/sources?filter[field]=logo&fields[include][]=shortname&fields[include][]=logo&limit=500&appname=vocabulary (adjust the limit value accordingly) See the API documentation for full details: http://apidoc.rwlabs.org/ Managed by ReliefWebRequest additions […]

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JSON available Key OCHA online services highlighted in the header of many OCHA sites. The full list of OCHA Digital Services is available from the corporate website. Download OCHA Services Menu – Website Navigation JSON file OCHA Services Menu – Website Navigation spreadsheet Managed by OCHA Digital ServicesRequest additions / more information for OCHA Services Menu – Website […]

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Available via ReliefWeb API Contains small locations maps of all the countries that ReliefWeb covers. Included are both preview (thumbnail) and full size versions of PNG and PDF formats. Site listing all location maps, including formats, and licensing details Requests should be made to the ReliefWeb API reports endpoint through https with an additional parameter […]

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JSON available Contains IASC designated Global Clusters and Areas of Responsibility. Global Clusters and Areas of Responsibility (AoR) were defined to enable more predictable leadership in situations of humanitarian emergency. The content includes the Preferred Term to be used for each Cluster and AoR, the Acronym (3-letter cluster code), the Group to which the term […]

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JSON available Functional roles define broad categories of humanitarian work. Their purpose is to facilitate the forming of appropriate Operational Groups (such as the Information Management (IM) Working Groups) with membership based on inclusion of those with the most relevant knowledge and skills. Download Functional Roles JSON file Functional Roles spreadsheet Managed by OCHA Field […]

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